Ferret Adrenal Disease


Adrenal disease is ferrets is caused either by a tumor or hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex causing increased circulating androgens and/or estrogen in the body. It is theorized that adrenal disease may be associated with loss of hormonal feedback from early neutering in ferrets at 3-5 years old.


Clinical signs:

Symptoms include symmetrical hair loss (especially tail base), itchiness, vulvar swelling or mammary enlargement in females, recurrence of sexual behaviors in neutered animals, straining to urinate due to prostate enlargement in males, lethargy, and/or hind limb weakness.


Similar Conditions:

Conditions that may mimic adrenal disease include ovarian remnants, seasonal alopecia, or food allergies. Your vet may also consider concurrent illnesses such as insulinoma or lymphoma.


Diagnostics Testing:

If your veterinarian suspects adrenal disease, they will recommend a Ferret Adrenal Test to check androstenedione, estradiol, and progesterone levels along with a complete blood count and serum biochemistry panel. An abdominal ultrasound may also be performed to evaluate adrenal glands, ovaries, prostate, and any concurrent illnesses.



The most common treatment recommended for adrenal disease in ferrets is a Suprelorin implant (Deslorelin) lasting 6-12 months. Alternative treatments include Leuprolide acetate injections and surgery to remove the affected adrenal gland. If urinary blockage from an enlarged prostate is present, hospitalization with an indwelling urinary catheter is necessary until able to urinate again on their own.



While surgery can be curative, it does come with more complications than the use of implants. Many ferrets can be medically managed for years and tumors seldom spread throughout the body. Concurrent illnesses will worsen the prognosis.



Recheck in 4-6 weeks after implant to evaluate clinical signs and adrenal gland size should be monitored with annual abdominal ultrasounds.  If clinical signs return, recheck is necessary.

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