Coccidiosis in Rabbits



Coccidiosis in rabbits is caused by a protozoal parasite of the genus Eimeria. There are two forms:  the hepatic or liver form and the intestinal form. This parasite is transmitted in feces and symptoms will vary depending on the form. Animals with the liver form may have enlarged livers, nodules on the liver, and an enlarged stomach. The hepatic form carries a worse prognosis than the intestinal form which can range from being asymptomatic to clinical signs associated with digestive system upset. The causative agent for the liver form is Eimeria stiedae. The intestinal forms are caused by Eimeria media, E. perforans, E. flavescens, E. intestinalis, or other Eimeria spp.


Clinical Signs:

Patients with Coccidiosis may be underweight with poor muscling. The intestinal form can be asymptomatic or the patient may have diarrhea. Young rabbits may develop GI stasis. The liver form causes enlargement of the liver and stomach with a higher morbidity and mortality than the intestinal form.


Similar Conditions:

Conditions with similar symptoms include enteritis (bacterial, viral), other parasites, mucoid enteritis, stress, trauma, metabolic, hepatic congenital defect, and other etiologies.


Diagnostic Testing:

The first step in diagnosing this condition is fecal parasite testing. In animals that are sick additional testing includes a complete blood count, blood chemistry, and radiographs.



Uncomplicated coccidiosis can be treated with prescription anti-coccidial medications. Animals that are sick should receive supportive care with fluids, pain control, anti-nausea medications, and assist feeding.



Prognosis is good if systemically not ill. Sick animals have a guarded prognosis. In contrast, those with liver involvement and jaundice have a grave prognosis.



 Recheck in 7-14 days after the last day of anti-coccidial medication repeat fecal. Recheck sooner in systemically ill patients to monitor progress and lab testing.



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