Hamsters with abscessed cheek pouches may show swelling in area of cheek pouch, loss of appetite, discharge from the mouth or from a wound overlying the swollen cheek pouch. Often animals have a history of previous cheek pouch impactions.
Conditions that may look similar include cheek pouch impaction, tumors, and cheek pouch trauma.
After starting with a thorough oral examination, your veterinarian may use a cotton swab to gently evaluate cheek pouch. A needle aspirate may be indicated to further evaluate any swellings and a bacterial and fungal culture may also be recommended.
Under sedation or general anesthesia, cleaning out cheek pouch abscess through oral cavity can be attempted. If not possible, the abscess may be cleaned out by surgically lancing over the swelling and then flushing out the material. In these cases, the cheek pouch is temporarily sutured open to the skin through a procedure called marsupialization. Prescription pain medications and antibiotics are indicated as well.
Prognosis for cheek pouch abscesses is fair with appropriate veterinary treatment.
Recheck is recommended 10 to 14 days or at end of the antibiotic course.
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