Hamster Care


Hamsters should always be housed in a secure cage. Many commercially available hamster cages are available on the market. Always be sure to properly latch any doors or lids as hamsters are notorious for being escape artists.  Hamsters are solo animals and should be housed separately to avoid fighting.


We recommend recycled paper bedding. Avoid cedar, pine, or colored or scented bedding as these can cause respiratory issues. 


An exercise wheel should be provided for exercise. Paper towel tubes, cereal boxes, and small pieces of cardboard provide enrichment and inexpensive chew toys.


We recommend Oxbow's Healthy Handfuls.  This diet should be available at all times. Nuts and seeds should only be offered as treats. Sunflower seeds can be offered as treats, but limit them to more than one or two seeds a day for Syrian hamsters or one per week for miniature hamsters to avoid obesity.  Green leafy vegetables, green beans, hibiscus flowers, or leafy branches from hibiscus bushes or mulberry trees are welcome treats. Avoid dried fruits, fresh fruits, and sugary vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes as these can cause diarrhea and lead to health problems.


Fresh water should be available at all times. Water bottles work well.


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