Cloacal prolapse in Turtles and Tortoises


NOTE: This is an emergency and turtles and tortoises with cloacal prolapses should be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately.  



Cloacal prolapses in turtles and tortoises may occur secondary to diarrhea, parasites, tumors, egg binding (dystocia), bladder stones, gastrointestinal obstruction or foreign bodies, low blood calcium, reproductive trauma, and other causes.


Clinical Signs:

Tissue prolapsed tissue from the cloaca. There may be discharge or bleeding involved. Tissue that is exposed for a prolonged period may be damaged.


Diagnostic Testing:

A thorough patient history will be obtained by your veterinarian and should include any information about recent diet or supplement changes. Fecal parasite testing is very important as well as radiographs to evaluate for internal abnormalities such as bladder stones or masses. A complete blood count and blood biochemistry panel will help evaluate for any sign of infection, metabolic disease, or calcium issues that may be involved.



Keep the area moist until veterinary care can be provided by placing the animal on clean, moistened paper towels. Uncomplicated prolapses may be corrected surgically with local anesthesia and pain medications. Stay sutures will be placed to help hold the tissue in while it heals. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pain medications will be prescribed by your veterinarian for after the procedure.


For more complicated prolapses surgical resection of the tissue may be necessary. For colonic prolapses, a colopexy or surgical tacking procedure may be necessary. For prolapses of the female reproductive tract, spay surgery is necessary as the tissue is usually too damaged.



The prognosis is good to poor depending on the health of the tissue, the amount of tissue involved with prolapse, and the underlying cause.



Recheck with your veterinarian as needed for the underlying cause and to remove the stay sutures in 2-4 weeks.



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